Bad breath happens to us all. After a restful night’s sleep, most of us experience some form of morning breath. It’s also common after eating foods like garlic or coffee. While bad breath can make us feel self-conscious, it can also be a warning sign of something more serious. Those who experience regular instances of bad breath may have halitosis. …
Why see the dentist every 6 months?
Even if you thoroughly care for your teeth with regular brushing and flossing, seeing the dentist twice a year to professionally remove plaque and tartar that cannot be removed through simple brushing is highly recommended.
Bad Breath – Where Does It Come From?
We have all had the experience of a boss, co-worker, or family member leaning in close to tell you something, and then you smell it. Bad breath, halitosis, fetor oris, call it what you may, it is unpleasant and difficult to bring up to the offender. Though we cant help the fine line with how you approach resolving the issue, …